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Codename Entertainment
Pleeeaaassse add me.
Lvl 389 "Is Puzzled"
316 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 7th 2012 at 11:30 PM
No I don't want you to add me. I'm just very annoyed when I'm trying to read posts that interest me and bam, out of the blue the add me posts starts. That, or people post in 4 or 5 different places, clogging up room, and really all you have to do is post your add me once, anyone looking for friends will go there. As a long time player of DJArts games,I've added anyone who asked, didn't have to specify why they were asking either, so why not just try sending some FRs and see what happens. We know you need help and lots of us will accept.
As for the MANY add me threads that have clogged us here I am pleading with the devs to implement some kind of system, like if you start a new add me thread, you're banned from the forums for a day, anything that will stop the madness please!!!
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