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Codename Entertainment
Something to make Fishing more inviting: The Junk Collector
Lvl 35 "Gem Collector"
9 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 29th 2012 at 10:15 PM
Jay Bergeron
It's a pretty simple idea really. First off, make junk a generic item instead of something that is simply discarded when you fish it up. No different types of junk, just 1 category for all junk that is fished up.

Then: introduce a new NPC, possible to the Commons or anywhere the devs see fit: The Junk Collector. Let's call her Trish for now (Trish ... Trash ... get it O.O ... yah I know I suck)

The rest is simple, you bring X number of junk to Trish and she offers you some unique Trinkets or Housing items that can only be obtained from her. I've no idea what they could be but I'll leave that up to the imagination of the developers.
Lvl 35 "Gem Collector"
9 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 29th 2012 at 10:23 PM
Jay Bergeron
Sry to double post, but just as a follow up, I just thought of a possible direction to go in with the Trinkets.

If possible, I think it would be best to make the Junk Collector offer Trinkets that offer benefits to Fishing. For example:

100 Junk -> +5% chance to fish up Gold
200 Junk -> +5% chance to fish up Energy
500 Junk -> +8% chance to fish up Gold
700 Junk -> +8% chance to fish up Energy

and so on. Just a thought.
Lvl 55 "Receiver of Quest Rewards!"
3 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 30th 2012 at 11:05 PM
Perlin Pinpin
yeah , and she could be an artist wich recycle junk and make art with it , ;)
i dont mind a little art in my house , great idea.
Lvl 389 "Is Puzzled"
316 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 1st 2012 at 7:15 PM
Great idea Jay. I've never fished up so many knives in my life, with boots a close second. Would be really nice to get something from all that. I don't know about anything over 100 junk at a time though, I would just leave it as your choice of a 5% chance to get gold or fish for every 100 pieces of junk. :)
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