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Codename Entertainment
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bushwacker 2 does one big fail
Lvl 55 "Vanquisher of Evil!"
22 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 18th 2012 at 6:01 AM

The next Step in direction of Zyngism.
Now I need to spam friends for Trinkets too and one, since I don't look every 5 Minutens into my account, of my trnkets even is deleted.

Thats it for me. I am with that quitting BW2.
I will spend my energy I have and will put a request on 3 of my friends which still play the game, every 2 days and see how far I come.

It is a big shame that dj arts really went onto that train. I am more than disappointed and I hope that a few people read my text and start to understand what I was talking about and what happened now.

best regards.
a fan from Egg Breaker 1 and Bush Whacker 1 which have been most awesome.
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