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Codename Entertainment
Inventory Organisation
Lvl 307 "Revolutionary"
39 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 3rd 2012 at 1:50 PM
At the moment, I have 23 Trinkets in my inventory, and I can only assume this is going to increase further over time. However, there seems to be no rhyme nor reason to the order in which they appear.

Would it be possible to either:
A) Allow the user to reorder items in their inventory, so that the layout makes sense to how each individual player plays the game?
B) Group "similar" trinkets together in the inventory automatically (i.e. Wands for Mana win boosts all together, then Max Mana increases together, etc)
C) Similarly to B, have additional "category" tabs under the Trinket tab in the inventory.

Just my 2 pence, but I am thoroughly enjoying the game, and The Flux is a great idea on the Developers' Part. Kudos to you!
Lvl 105 "Hero to the Downtrodden!"
886 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 3rd 2012 at 2:10 PM
David Whittaker (CNE Dev)
Hi Andrew,

We are making some adjustments to how items are sorted and what info is shown for trinkets, as well as not showing trinkets in both the equipt slot and the inventory if they are equipt. Should be in an update tomorrow. Its not quite as far as your suggesting but it should help.

Lvl 307 "Revolutionary"
39 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 3rd 2012 at 2:12 PM
Thank you for the response and the updates :)
Lvl 34 "Vanquisher of Evil!"
32 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 3rd 2012 at 7:14 PM
Jadey Allen Hansen
Cool... I wouldn't mind having a "bag" that I can store my unneeded or unused trinkets in. I want to be able to look through them at will if I need them, but currently they are just making my inventory screen a mess. Glad to hear you guys are aware and are working on solutions!
Lvl 140 "Omnom Nom Nom!"
132 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 5th 2012 at 5:22 AM
Marleen Larik
Being able to sort your own inventory would be good. I remember using lots of such "bags" in roleplaying games
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