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Codename Entertainment
Lvl 44 "Needs More Energy!"
6 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 24th 2012 at 10:31 AM
Mark Kizer
farming at home for extra energy
Lvl 430 "Professional Bush Whacker"
13 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 24th 2012 at 10:35 AM
Michelle Jones
lol how funny I just posted about this, didn't see your post.
Lvl 39 "Is Puzzled"
150 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 25th 2012 at 2:35 AM
Lottie Mytho
From another thread (in general discussion):

David Whittaker (DJArts Games)
Farming is something that has been talked about, and it is something we might do.

The game platform we are using is something we had developed ourselves here at DJArts Games, it doesn't have a name. I don't know that I have seen many concerns about the graphic sizes. Although at this point changing the scale would be a significant challenge, one we wouldn't even consider doing unless we felt there was an issue with the current scale.


Lottie Mytho
Farming -- how about:
Purchase a small (or various sized) plot for your ranch. Purchase seeds (a variety available). Plant and wait. Harvest. Seeds have different yeilds and 'growing' times, depending on variety. Either harvest is a percentage of total energy (and please include any equiped trinkets)or harvest is a fixed amount according to the variety of seed (or size of plot). Multiple plots buyable, or size expandable.
Currency should be gold and / or gems, so cannot be abused too much as the currency has to be earned in game for each planting cycle. Higher yeilding (or faster growing) seeds could be level dependant, as could the number of plots available (ala trinket slots). (An after thought -- might need a way of showing when a farm plot is ready to harvest, perhaps the house icon could glow green?)

A farm plot would go with the idea of a ranch instead of a town house, and would encourage house visiting.

David Whittaker (DJArts Games)
Hi Lottie,

Yep thats how basic farming would work.

Energy refills can't really include trinkets without becoming a hassle for both players (switching them in and out before buying energy) and for us (responding to tickets from players who forgot to equip their trinkets and hope we will fix the difference for them). That is why we don't include trinkets.

112 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 26th 2012 at 10:34 AM
Carolyn Schwartz
I don't play the farming games and am not a big fan of that kind of feature (although as an energy junkie, I'd probably do it.) I'm curious, do we need to decorate our ranch? Are there game bonuses or areas or other elements I would miss if I ignore the ranch?
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