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Codename Entertainment
The "Things We Like" Thread
Lvl 363 "Other Peoples Problem Solver!"
151 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 20th 2012 at 11:36 AM
Jen Lyons
So, we have a complaints thread (and I know I've contributed to it) but there are good things about the game, too.

I like watching the world change as I complete quests and puzzles.

I like the idea of the catalog and being able to order multiples of the same item (though I think the first one you find should be free. Isn't that how it was done in Animal Crossing? Been a long time since I played that...)

I like the idea of expanding my property. Curious as to what sort of house expansion options there'll be in the future, too.

I think I like the multiple puzzles (tiered puzzles) in one area, so far.
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