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Codename Entertainment
Frozen in Tutorial after attempting to link Kongregate Account (Mobile)

1 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 14th 2019 at 1:15 AM
So, I came back to the game after a really, really long hiatus and decided to get the game on mobile since my new phone had a ton of space and I wanted to keep up with the game again.

Long story short, I downloaded the app, started it up, took a little while to figure out how I was meant to link the account, and when I actually figured it out and logged into my Kongregate account on the app, the app proceeded to hang and subsequently, I had to force close it because it wouldn't progress from there.

So now I'm stuck with the game being capable of going through with offline progress and animations on the small map in the top right, but I can't hit any button aside from the settings button and it's contents. Even making the quit game menu come up with the back button doesn't allow me to quit the game by pressing "yes" on that particular window.

Is it possible for someone to give any idea on how it is possible for me to continue on with playing the game on mobile? Maybe wiping the data associated with my google play account? Please advise.
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