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Codename Entertainment
Mindy mimicking Phoenix Tears on "From the ashes"

41 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 29th 2018 at 11:43 AM
Only yesterday I managed to complete "From the Ashes".
As it became quite the fight in the end, I wanted to copy the healing of the Fire Phoenix.
Unfortunately I had to realise that Mindy copies only the other abilities (Vengeful Fury and Heart of the Phoenix) but not the Phoenix Tears - although it clearly has the rectangular shape of a formation ability.

So I was wondering what the mistake is:
Either it's a bug and Mindy does not copy the abilities correctly OR
it is supposed to be like that (but in this case I'd suggest that you change the shape of the ability to a circle to make it clear in the future).

PS: Not sure if it really is a "technical support" (more a bug report) but still I think it fits best into this category...

3620 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 29th 2018 at 4:28 PM
If it was a different objective, it would be a bug.

Since this is an objective where Phoenix is given a new ability, and the restrictions say that she is the only one allowed to heal, Mindy doesn't Mimic Phoenix Tears to keep with the theme.
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