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Codename Entertainment
Bonus Training update

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 12th 2018 at 4:02 PM
Last Edited October 12th 2018 at 4:08 PM
There was just an update to make it so the talent starts it's effect from the highest bench slot. This is, obviously, to take into account the change in the max number of bench slots. However, I haven't noticed my other crusaders gain a +25 level cap. If the talent shifts the countdown to the right in the bench slots (Sashimi gets no bonus, Wolf King/etc get +25, Casey/etc get +50, etc), then shouldn't my Chiyome's max level raise from 9675 to 9700? Unless I'm misunderstanding something.

P.S. For clarification, my Bonus Training talent is level 11, so if my understanding of how the patch works is correct, I would see an increase. There would only be no increase for Chiyome's slot if the talent level was 1-3.

EDIT: Having just leveled everyone to their caps, there IS a 25 level difference with each crusader from Sashimi and downward. Sashimi is 9575, Rex is 9600, Casey is 9625, Dr Evil is 9650, and Chiyome is 9675. But Chiyome's max level was 9675 before the update, so I must be misunderstanding something about how the change works.

3620 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 15th 2018 at 12:46 PM
The update to Bonus Trainaing was a hotfix the Friday after Sashimi was released, so you had a week with the proper max level before the change log went out last Thursday (Oct 11).

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 15th 2018 at 1:57 PM
Got it. That makes sense. Thank you.
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