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Codename Entertainment
Ad bonus unavailable

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 25th 2018 at 4:17 PM
Last Edited August 25th 2018 at 9:42 PM
End of run, reset, watch ad, ad plays, ad ends, a full minute goes by, no blue "you may now return to game" message, another minute, still no reward, click "X" to return to game, "Watch" cannot be clicked, refresh page, attempt to reset, "Ad bonus unavailable".

P.S. Yes, adblocker is off.

Edit: Additional information, still getting "Ad bonus unavailable" on the new run.

Edit 2: Refreshed at the end of the run AFTER the one mentioned in my previous edit and can now successfully get ad bonuses. Leaving this post up just in case, though.
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