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Codename Entertainment
Flash worse than ever

17 Posts
Link to post - Posted July 15th 2018 at 8:21 AM
Kevin reported in the Reddit Q&A last week that he wanted feedback on flash fixes. My experience is that it is worse than ever. Memory leaks faster, locks up my machine sooner and tighter than before, and more of it leaks, about 2GB as opposed to 1.5GB before.

So please, try again. |^(

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted July 15th 2018 at 10:25 AM
all a personal experience. my flash is not experiencing anything like you describe, my game runs great.
AS LONG as i do not use firefox or swiron browsers for this game (for me those browsers stopped working well with this game 2 years ago and 9 months ago). and as long as I only stay in kong for the few milliseconds it takes to do the opt in bonuses and few seconds it takes to do a reset, thereafter i spend 99.999999% time in facebook version of game.
browsers go bad it seems, and kong seems to open hundreds of cookies per minute.
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