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Codename Entertainment
Search function on pets progress
Lvl 440 "Crazy Cat Lover"
670 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 5th 2018 at 3:50 AM
When you go to PAGAS, and go to 'I'd like to see my pets progress'... I would love a search function there.

The filter doesn't work as I need it to, and I really just want to search if I have a particular pet.

I have a list of pets to get, and the chance to double check if I already have it, would be amazing.

My personal spreadsheet may or may not be up to date, and despite going through numerous times, it gets very muddle headed for me.

Please consider this.
3215 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 7th 2018 at 2:58 PM
Nickshire (CNE Dev)
Hi DestKitteh,

Thanks for the post!

So you'd like to search by pet name? Is that right?

Lvl 440 "Other Peoples Problem Solver!"
5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 11th 2018 at 8:18 AM
Last Edited February 11th 2018 at 8:19 AM
pagas needs revamping/improving, for displaying pets and especially for releasing pets...

a possible way to implement DestKitteh's request has been asked for before. when one if offered a pet to be purchased (any number of ways like amicus guy or amicus casino or events, or vip, or sales...) have said offered pet say something like what p.a.g.a.s. says "you have had x of this pet or currently have y of this pet or have never had this pet"
Lvl 440 "Crazy Cat Lover"
670 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 14th 2018 at 6:00 AM
I must have missed this showing up as having a reply. Been spaced out a lot since moving out into my own place - very tired.

But yes to being able to search by pet name, or pet species, rather.

Also, what Raymond Jerome suggested sounds amazing, but being able to search for a seal or pig or whatever, for now, would be good.
Lvl 440 "Other Peoples Problem Solver!"
5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 16th 2018 at 10:38 AM
actually on any store, not just pets, it should say something like you already own some of this do you really want to buy more.

i own 2 of these 3 golf pieces for example and if i were to not know that i might accidentally buy another instead of the one i don't have
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