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Codename Entertainment
Scientifically inaccurate, but amusing nonetheless

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 4th 2017 at 7:20 PM
Maybe this started happening earlier and I didn't notice, but normally when gold is picked up, it says something like "+6.78e300 gold", but I noticed just now, somewhere after area 1500, that the game says "+infinity gold" lol Basically Dragonball Z levels of "power levels don't matter anymore".

859 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 4th 2017 at 8:44 PM
Last Edited November 4th 2017 at 8:45 PM
anything larger than 1.7e308 is infinity. Gold, DPS, even Health Points.
This is also why nobody currently can beat the boss monster on 1,585 as far as I can see, because his health bar doesn't exist due to having infinity health

171 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 5th 2017 at 5:49 AM
Last Edited November 5th 2017 at 5:50 AM
The point where bosses/monsters become invincible is different for each campaign. As we are all aware, the higher the campaign the higher the difficulty.

The highest you can get to but not past on each campaign:
Event/WW: 1,585
DiD: 1,580
GBG: 1,365
GIT: 1,360
MaM: 1,275
RP2: 1,250
ITT: 1,235
APoD: 1,220

Of course that is excluding any player that is (un)fortunate enough to run across the area complete bug.

58 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 8th 2017 at 9:14 PM
That's some nice data.

After seeing this data and considering the many requests to change the recently added Monster Idols to make an objective other than WW Free Play the best for Idol acquisition, something occurred to me.

First, there was a perception that, perhaps correctly, these many requests would, instead of making the requestors happy, merely shift the animus from WW to the whichever campaign became the "best". So that made me think that the request should be refined to be that "all campaigns be (roughly) equal in their Idol acquisition efficiency", which given Amanda's data is clearly not going to be achieved by having the idols vary by area number.

So, after some internalization/reflection, it occurred to me that if we use the health of the monsters/bosses, or some other aspect of the monsters/bosses, to determine the number of idols, then we would be left with "speed" of getting to area X in campaign Y being the variance between campaigns. If each campaign spawns monsters at different rates, then those rates could be decreased for the campaigns that have steeper HP increase rates. Perhaps this is not possible.

Another thing that I could see enjoying is a bonus for doing an objective different from the previous one. Depending on how many would be reasonable to keep track of, then the bonus would keep increasing as distinct objectives are run. Then everyone would need to continually cycle through the campaigns' free play objectives.

Sure, it's just a brainstorm idea, but in case something can be made of it.

859 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 10th 2017 at 1:06 PM
Well, you pointed it out yourself. Even if the number was only roughly the same, as long as you can calculate the most optimal rate to gain idols, players will be able to figure it out, share it, and shift the focus to a specific campaign's free play.

And I wonder how different the current situation is to before. In the past - if my memory serves me right - we had the Free Play of Ready Player 2 since it provided the best spaces for the best formation. For a very short time speed and gold mattered, so players focused on those formations and the best campaign (I'm not sure, but I guess this was still RP2, right?). Now it is World's Wake.

The point I'm trying to make is this: It doesn't matter. Any change that might be implemented in the future will not change the fact you have to grind to get a lot of idols. This is repetitive. This will stay repetetive. Even though the perspective to need 60+ Million idols isn't as bad with the bonus idols as it was before (which is an immensively huge plus and I'm still absolutely grateful for that change by the way).
But if you are running a few thousand free plays, I'm not very sure you would care where you did run them. On one campaign, or on two or even on five. The way I do it is to have two sets of crusaders and let them do the free plays. Over and over again. As it is the point of an idle game as far as I can see.
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