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Codename Entertainment
Viktor's Vampiric Germ tooltip

171 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 29th 2017 at 2:13 AM
So when you have Viktor in formation and Vampiric Germ is active it would be a plus if his Vampiric Germ tooltip reflected the current bonus given by Vampiric Germ.

For example: I currently have Viktor next to Brogon and Sisaron. I also have the rare toothbrush right now, so numbers will reflect that. So his tooltip could say something like:
"Current bonuses:
-Increases DPS of Brogon by 75%
-Increases Gold found by 15%
-Increases monster spawn speed by 32.25%"

Before anyone says it. Yes, I do see that the information is there in the tooltips of Vampiric Germ from one of those little buff bubbles that are around the bitten 'saders. That being said those tooltips are incredibly hard to read. All of my buff bubbles tend to reset themselves every second. Not to mention how fast one can be changing areas, but that can be circumvented by turning off auto progress while you try to read it. If I want to read a tooltip from one of those bubbles I have to have one hand on my mouse trying to find the thing after it changed places *again* and my other hand ready to hit the 'print screen' button on my keyboard so the image on my monitor freezes long enough for me to read it.

130 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 29th 2017 at 3:05 AM
Yeah, would like this for sure!
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