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Codename Entertainment
Tier 3 Active Talent Ideas

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 26th 2017 at 12:47 PM
Last Edited October 26th 2017 at 12:54 PM
Vampiric Edge - Heal your crusaders by 1HP (per level, max level = 50) every time you click a monster.

Temporal Hijinks - Clicking a monster directly slows it's speed by 2% (per level, max level = 40) for 5 seconds.

I Grow, You Wither - Using an ability from the ability bar has a 10% chance (per level, max level = 10) to hurl a projectile at a random monster, dealing 2,000% DPS. Damage percentage as compensation for infrequency of proc rate and use.

Really Milking It - As long as an ability from the ability bar is active, your DPS is increased by 10% (per level, max level = 30)

A Moment of Your Time - Directly clicking a boss reduces the cooldown of abilities on the ability bar by 1 second.

41 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 26th 2017 at 3:44 PM
I like some of these ideas but there are already tier 3 active talents, sooo...
or are you only aiming at filling up this one free "slot" left in the talent tree?
(which means that only one of your suggestions would actually make it ;-)

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 26th 2017 at 3:55 PM
I am only aiming to fill the remaining third open slot in the tier 3 active talents, so I know that, at best, only one idea would be used. There's nothing wrong with having more ideas than necessary. Maybe the talents I described could inspire later crusader abilities. The more ideas I throw out, the more likely it is people will like at least one of them.

Besides, with a little tweaking, some of these can even possibly qualify for tier 5 talents down the line. The last three, specifically, have potential for tier 5.

171 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 27th 2017 at 2:52 PM
There is a talent that increases the effect of Storm Rider and one that increases the effect of Gold-o-rama. So here are my ideas for the abilities:
* Increases duration of click-o-rama by X%
* Increases effect of magnify by X%
* Increases effect of firestorm by X% (monsters that haven't taken any damage will still need to be hit twice with firestorm)
* Increases duration of Royal Command by X%

Some other ideas:
* Increase DPS by X% for each buff active
* Increase DPS by X% for every formation ability that is currently active
* Increase DPS by X% for each formation bubble on the field, could be called Bubble Power! ^^;

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 27th 2017 at 4:23 PM
"Bubble Power" makes me think of imagery that I can only describe as "Moon Prism Power!" lol That...and then my mind goes to Bubbleman from Mega Man.
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