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Codename Entertainment
The Exchange Student - Mission Tags

41 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 16th 2017 at 12:08 AM
I just realised that The Exchange Student does not have the animal tag.
Is there a specific reason why it is this way?

as far as I can see it doesn't make much sense, because Brogon as well as Sisaron have BOTH the animal and the dragon tag - so why not The Exchange Student?

Besides that, is there any logic about supernatural / magical tags? Sisaron is considered magical, The Exchange Student has the supernatural tag, but Brogon is neither of it. Shouldn't this be equal with all the dragons?

other opinions / thoughts about this?

257 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 16th 2017 at 12:42 AM
Oversight, Sisaron was initially missing the animal tag as well. Sisaron is a sorceress, hence the magical tag. Healers aren't considered mages.

859 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 16th 2017 at 8:24 AM
Regarding the animal tag: Erika mentioned on reddit that she and Justin will look into this. As far as I am concerned this will be added likely.
About magic and supernatural: thise tags are added with having the crusaders' abilities and even more having an overall balance of tags across all crusaders in mind as far as I would interpret things. Don't try to justify the result only ona crusader's name or appearance would be my suggestion.

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 16th 2017 at 8:30 AM
i currently see 'animal' in the json data for exchange student

},{"id":99,"name":"The Exchange Student","description":"Look out, there's a new dragon on the block.","base_cost":"320000000000000","click_damage":"0","graphic_id":8667,"hp_mod":1,"default_graphics":{"portrait_graphic":8723,"portrait_offsetY":-20,"graphic_id":8667,"disenchant_offset_y":-20},"seat_id":"18","properties":{"type":"animal","tags":["event","female","support","dragon","supernatural"],"no_recipes_until":"2017-10-10 12:00:00"}}],
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