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Codename Entertainment
How do you use your Time Warps?

58 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 9th 2017 at 1:33 PM
I've noticed that I mostly only use the 15 minute time warps, since that is enough to clear most of the ability cooldowns, namely Magnify and Savage Strikes, at least since I hit the cooldown trinket cap.

As I recall, the only times that I've used the 4 or 8 hour time warps is during events when I wanted a bunch of the event's tokens. Of course, I would also coordinate these usages with objectives that I thought would benefit from extra usages of the Storm Rider ability and XP points. I'm sure that I've used them to only expire Storm Rider's cooldown, but I don't recall many of these.

I love the 15 minute ones and am happy to have the longer ones, but given the length of the latter they seem quite indulgent.

I also wonder why there are only 3 types (Uncommon, Rare and Epic) when all the other buffs have 4 types.

How do you use your time warps and what do you think about the time amounts and availability of them?

What do you see as the greatest value that you get from them?

526 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 9th 2017 at 2:55 PM
Matthew Kliparchuk
I basicly save them for event chests start with the good ones and work my way i suspect theres only 3 so players dont abuse it.

257 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 9th 2017 at 9:45 PM
There are only 3 types because they only come frome jewelled event chests I think. Common would have to come from silver chests.

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 10th 2017 at 1:02 PM
Very, VERY early-game I used to use them to pull out more stacks of Storm Rider before I really understood how resetting worked. I thought it was worth pushing as far as physically possible, so when I first started the game, no lie, I never reset even once for about a month. Just gaining XP and stacks of Storm Rider and pushing for those two or three more levels (yes, levels, not areas) per day. I thought I would lose all my trinkets and buffs if I reset, so I dumped everything I had into making the most out of each (well, one) run, so much so that my first reset was worth about 100 idols. It wasn't until I reset my first time that I realized how many resources I had wasted, and so I QUICKLY learned after that, that it is actually best to just reset around the time I stop insta-killing enemies. After that revelation, I became way, way more efficient with my playing.

Simple answer: As someone with 6.26 million idols, I use the warp buffs exclusively for event tokens. Aside from my shameful misuse of them when I started, the ONLY other use I've made of them was during other objectives that required a bit more DPS near the end of the objective, or when I wanted to push a few more areas for an achievement (back when hitting area 1000 actually meant something), but it has been a long time since those. No need for that anymore.

Greatest value I get from them is using them for event tokens during events including crusaders with abilities I intend to make use of. If the event crusaders don't really interest me, I'll still do the event areas, but I'll use "World's Wake" to grind for tokens instead just to save some warps. If the crusaders interest me, then it is worth trying to milk the event for as many chests as possible to get the crusaders well-geared, which means using warps to basically never need to touch World's Wake until the event ends.

189 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 10th 2017 at 6:44 PM
Yup, VERY early on, used warps occasionally to help push to a higher area or complete an objective. NOW (and for the great majority of play history), use them almost exclusively for event tokens to finish all the event objectives in the first day or two, then get at least one or two runs on the event freeeplay per day.

37 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 11th 2017 at 7:20 AM
I use warp buffs for getting more event items during event. Also I use them when I hit a wall to get more golds to upgrade my main DPS
I combine this with Storm Rider i.e after using a 4 hour or 8 hour warp buff, I immediately run Magnify+Storm Rider

Before using a war buff, I usually maximize the gold gain by activating Smart Investing (with Bat Billionaire) and run Savage Strike. For objectives with unstable formation and unstable DPS, I usually move to stable area or at least area with maximum gold gain
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