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Codename Entertainment
Change/disregard recipe missions

23 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 21st 2017 at 10:25 PM
I don't know how much the devs have been following chat and discussion in and out of the game, but a LOT of complaints have formed with how recipes are handled. The inability to say "delete The Brothers Grim, I don't want the punishment ('reward') for that mission" makes for a lot of complaints in chat. If a few are complaining in chat, there are certainly more that are unhappy but aren't saying anything.

I don't know if we should get an option to kick out a mission (immediately starting the cooldown to bring up another in the same category, perhaps) or changing/throwing out the awkward cooldown thing that's going on for TBG and ADR would be better. Either way, as things stand a lot of people are now getting angry when new missions come up.

Not, I suspect, what the devs want.

692 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 24th 2017 at 4:02 AM
Please explain why you don't want to do those missions...
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