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Codename Entertainment
New ability mechanic

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted July 9th 2017 at 5:59 PM
A crusader with the ability to draw negative effects toward itself. Much like tanks and other unique crusaders, this would be something clearly more useful for objective runs. Nothing that rids all challenge from the game, but just something that helps mitigate the pain. Like how Karen draws all positive affects to herself, something like "random debris falls to KO a crusader" would be drawn to this crusader 100% of the time until it was KO'ed. A few ideas for how it could be handled...

1) Each time the crusader is affected by a negative affect, the crusader survives unscathed, but the formation loses 10% DPS.

2) The crusader draws all negative effects, but can only tank 2 without being affected by them, after which, it is affected normally.

3) All negative effects have a 50% chance of targeting the crusader, which do not harm or affect it, but it disables the formation abilities of all adjacent crusaders.
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