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Codename Entertainment
Developer Missions

319 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 15th 2017 at 2:25 AM
Mission 1 - Tidy up!
Do away with those pesky duplicate gears from chests. All the crafting material from duplicates pop up first anyway! Save time, save lag.

Duration: 15 minutes
Tags: Angel, Supernatural, Female
Expiration: 168 hours (Greyskull fires his cannon at 5 random developer vehicles for 200% emotional damage upon expiration)

Mission 2 - Buttons!

Add a x1000 button for chests without it being another talent. Just include it in the existing Speed Looter talent!

Duration: 1 minute 30 seconds
Tags: Leprechaun, support, male
Expiration: 72 hours (Fright-o-Tron detonates a random thing in someones office for 100% sigh damage upon expiration)

Mission 3 - Ability (effect?) list when mousing over the icons.

Duration: Too tired
Tags: to think
Expiration: at this time (The Princess sentences me to death by Snu Snu and volunteers herself?)
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