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Codename Entertainment
Little suggestions

1 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 10th 2017 at 6:11 PM
Hi, i'm here to make a little suggestions for the game.

I started the game and few times after i launched missions with all my available char, wich mean slowing my game for an entire day, i searched for a cancel button but i didnt found it, cruelly missing.

Sorry if that have been already said. Good luck

692 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 11th 2017 at 4:08 AM
You can use the option to only show you crusaders not in your current formation when you choose missions. And you start with 20 crusaders, only half of which can go into missions, and the first campaign formation is 10 slots (the second is 9, so no issue there as well). Canceling missions could be fine (but it needs some drawback, otherwise you just cancel all gold missions until you get better ones), but not for the reason you stated.

319 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 11th 2017 at 11:16 PM
man how i would love to get rid of gold missions.

4 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 12th 2017 at 5:06 AM
Gold missions have a small use to kickstart a formation after a reset, but besides that once you start to cap they become far less useful.

859 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 12th 2017 at 5:35 AM
after capping any gold buff or gold crusader becomes absolutely useless.

692 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 12th 2017 at 10:31 AM
They are useless even before capping, since you only require a couple of levels in the Sprint Mode talent to get your formation up to speed in no time.

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 12th 2017 at 11:26 AM
Gold crusaders are still useful. For one, they allow you to reach the cap faster, allowing longer post-cap autopilot. Second, speed crusaders (like Billy and Baenarall) don't typically do much for a pure DPS build, on top of the fact that they will take Mindy's mimic skill and not DPSers, so a speed build has no practical use for DPS since it would be sub-par DPS anyway, making gold crusaders all the more useful. Third, if you come and go from the game, gold finders will allow you to have more gold at any given area than a DPS build, and so if you have to go afk at area 500, level up your DPSer as much as possible, switch to a pure DPS build, and by the time you get back, you'll be stopped much further ahead than if you had ~200 levels less on your DPSer, and those extra areas become progression time you won't have to have otherwise spent when you get back.

Gold missions are...MOSTLY useless, though. Their only use when you've capped is in conjunction with my third point above - more levels before going afk. However, gold missions aren't really worth withholding until you're about to leave for this use, so this is only really useful if you just happen to have a gold mission about to end near when you have to leave.
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