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About "increase item drop" bonus. (please help, i only have 10 hour)

7 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 9th 2017 at 2:37 PM
Hello guys!

I got flash sale for billy act of congress, and have 10 hours to decide if i buy it or not.

My doubt is, since we have sjin/turp now, if it will really matter at all (he still naked, but i can get epic in future, and have sjin/turp with hammer/chocolate epic).

So the true question is about the nature of "increase item drop" bonus:

if i have 100% bonus from crus A and 100% bonus from crus B, the monster will drop 3 items or 4 items?



781 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 9th 2017 at 2:47 PM
The item is worth getting. Turp's "Tasty" skill increases monster spawn speed, not item drops, and Sjin's "Let's Build" ability is somewhat random and is therefor less reliable for item drops. Billy's golden legendary gear maxes out at having a solid 80% chance at doubling item drops, and if Mindy is copying him, her rate (since it varies with Mindy's gear) is considered a separate, stacking proc.

To answer your questions simply...

Yes, Billy's cufflinks are worth getting.

If Billy and another crusader both have a 100% (or more) rate of doubling item drops, then every monster will count for/drop 4 items.

859 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 9th 2017 at 2:52 PM
second this

7 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 9th 2017 at 3:19 PM
Ohhh, thx Animenut!

So, just to be sure, you saying it is multiplicative, right?

so if i have 3 guys of 100%, it will be 8 items

4 guys of 100% will be 16 items ... etc etc, right?

also, it not matter if the bonus be over 100%? If i have 200% bonus, the monster will give 2 items or 3?

Thanks again!!!


781 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 9th 2017 at 4:50 PM
Last Edited June 9th 2017 at 4:54 PM
That is how it works, yes. At least, I'm fairly sure of it. For as long as I've had Billy and Mindy as a pair, the only time I've gotten an odd-numbered drop is when neither of them proc. Otherwise, I've always gotten items in increments of either 2 or 4.

So if one procs, 2 drops. If two procs, 4 drops. If three procs, 8 drops.

It makes sense to me since having two item-droppers with an additive buff ("adds one" instead of "doubles, then re-doubles") wouldn't be able to drop 4 items at once, but if I'm wrong, anyone is free to correct me.

Also, yes, anything over 100% drop rate is moot. Billy caps at 80%, but Mindy can mimic an effect even better, so her item drop rate can reach 120%, which is 20% that does nothing. Having a higher-than-100% drop rate does not add more drops than the initial doubling effect.

171 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 10th 2017 at 5:19 PM
Last Edited June 10th 2017 at 5:21 PM
I can confirm that a Sjin/Billy/Mindy combo can get you to sixteen drops from one monster. I completed a 24 quest item area by killing only two monsters.

EDIT: provided you have the right gear of course :D

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 10th 2017 at 7:29 PM
One thing I wonder, though is if Mindy copies Billy and Sjin, do the two abilities being copied by Mindy apply separately, or does it only count per-crusader? She would have two item-dropping abilities, so I wonder if they trigger by themselves, or act as a cumulative percentage for Mindy. Ergo, if she copies both, is there a chance that item drops can reach 32, or is the current max still 16? Not that a 32-drop would really be all that useful outside of clearing 0/25 areas in a single enemy, but just something to wonder about.

171 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 10th 2017 at 7:40 PM

So you'd need a third crusader that can double drops on top of having Mindy successfully mimicing two of them to get to up to 32. There is no way to spin the math to get up to 32 right now. Or am I missing something?

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 10th 2017 at 10:20 PM
You're right, Amanda. My math has been really off today. Not sure why. I flubbed on another post earlier. For some reason, I was treating "2" as the base amount, not "1". It is getting hotter where I am, and I HAAAAAAAAAAAATE warm weather, so maybe that's throwing me off. Anyway, question still stands. Does Mindy copying two item drop effects count as two potential separate procs, or just one overall proc per crusader?

171 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 11th 2017 at 8:07 AM
I can't tell, lol. The buff bubbles stay up for less than a second and then they are refreshing. Then they don't come back in the same order!

I only see multiple drops of 2, 4, 8, and 16 right now with Mindy mimicing Sjin and Billy, with the exception of the few odd numbered drops when 22/25 have already dropped or a similar circumstance. Which does show that the effects are multiplicative. With how my gear is Billy has an 80%, Mindy has a 120%, Sjin has a 97.5%, and Mindy has another ###% chance from Sjin that I cannot see long enough to read it.

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 11th 2017 at 11:19 AM
If you've gotten a 16-drop, then wouldn't that mean Mindy DOES get two procs?

171 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 11th 2017 at 2:35 PM
Yes, that is proof enough for me that Mindy has two separate procs.

859 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 12th 2017 at 11:21 PM
Anything else wouldn't make sense. Mindy is mimicing two abilities independently from each other. This is also why she isn't copying Sjin's constructs but only his 'Let's Build' ability building different constructs starting every 30 seconds when adjacent to only two crusaders. If there would be any merge, you would have seen this before with any other abilities like DPS or Gold buffs and players would have cried out - rightly so from my perspective.

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 13th 2017 at 11:01 AM
Andreas, that makes sense, but I don't want to just assume anything. I've been gaming for two decades, and one of the biggest things I've learned from it is to NEVER assume that what makes sense to you makes sense to the developers. "She's copying two abilities, so she should be able to proc twice" makes sense to you and me, but what makes sense to you and me is completely irrelevant since we're not the ones making the game.

859 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 13th 2017 at 12:10 PM
absolutely true :-)

65 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 17th 2017 at 4:17 AM
I was reading this thread. So if I put Mindy in a corner with only the President Billy and Sjin to mimic; it would only mimic these 2??

257 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 17th 2017 at 4:39 AM
Yes, once you max her skills she can steadily maintain 2 mimes, if she is adjacent to more than 2 she will cycle through them.

171 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 17th 2017 at 7:34 AM
I always put Mindy in a corner so I can control who she mimics. If there isn't a convenient place to put her, I make a spot by leaving an empty spot next to her so she is only next to two 'saders.

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 17th 2017 at 9:33 AM
Just to make it clear, Mindy is only ABLE to copy 2 crusaders at a time. The reason people put her in a corner with 2 other crusaders is because that lets a player know exactly what buffs they will always be getting, as opposed to putting her beside 3 crusaders, where she'd only have 2 of those crusaders' abilities at any given moment, but which 2 she'd be copying changes every few seconds, and therefor becomes less reliable.

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 17th 2017 at 9:40 AM
and you can have her next to 3 or more people because you know what kinds of things she can mimmic and some people have no mimmicable things. but i think many people can't think like that