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Codename Entertainment
Experience Points (XP) and Gold Not Calculating Properly

2 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 9th 2017 at 6:17 AM
XP does not seem to be calculating at all. I've been on a mission since yesterday and all crusaders still have zero XP. It shows a countdown, but I should have several since yesterday.

Next, Gold bonus has been drastically reduced. I paid a ton of crafting materials to upgrade Natalie Dragon's Scaley Silken Cloak of the Big Sister 5 times because the gold bonus was so great. I did look through the updates and found that many different items (including this one) were adjusted. That's kind of crap because it ruins the strategy that I spent all of my crafting currency on and it wasn't a little tweak, it was a MAJOR reduction.

So the second issue might be a "fix" that basically ruins the game for me, but the first issue is definitely a problem because it's not giving XP at all. I even bought talents to reduce the time to gain XP and now I get none? What's up here?

859 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 9th 2017 at 6:25 AM
For the first one: Do you play on mobile or on PC? I blay the browser version and XP is granted fine. Can you produce a screenshot of your formation screen? What does the timer say in the statistics tab about how much time you spent on the current objective?

For the second item: CNE also has introduced the possibility to disenchant legendary gear. While the impact is big for everyone, you can redistribute your hard earned material to other legendary items if this helps. And while I can understand your anger, it doesn't ruin the game from my perspective. It just gives you a more sensible gold increase than before the second to last update.

257 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 9th 2017 at 8:19 AM
Playing on Steam and just noticed that, indeed, there is no xp. The timer is stuck at 29:59 so isn't counting at all.

2 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 9th 2017 at 8:36 AM
I play on the PC. It might be a glitch for certain objectives or something. I had to reset the world because I am going through the new event to get the new crusaders and hopefully some good gear for them. Unlike what Snow just posted above, my countdown is moving. We'll just see if it actually gives me experience. Not as big a deal on tier one objectives, but it could make a huge difference on a long, deep run. If it's a glitch they need to fix that quickly.

For the legendary disenchant, do they give you the same amount of material that you pay to enchant it? If I only get half back or something like that it will just feel like a waste.

257 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 9th 2017 at 8:57 AM
You get back the full amount, albeit in common materials, regardless of what you actually used. Also a token for a free legendary craft.

257 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 9th 2017 at 8:58 AM
And I am well past area 1000 ATM and still at 0 xp.

257 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 9th 2017 at 9:14 AM
Reset and started a generic fp and now the counter is moving again, so either it was a one-time fluke or else an issue with that particular obbjective, Let's Play.

3620 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 9th 2017 at 9:38 AM
@ Jace024: Was the game closed? Or did you sleep your computer with the game open at all?

If you still don't have XP, you can put in a support ticket and we'll look at your account.
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