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Codename Entertainment
Sneak Peek: Tier 4 Talents

3620 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 30th 2017 at 10:10 AM
Check out our sneak peek of the Tier 4 Talents here!

Plus Justin is answering questions in the Q&A live now!

Questions posted to the Q&A will be followed up with outside the live hour, if you do miss it.

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 30th 2017 at 11:34 AM
"They will also cost a ridiculous amount of idols."

I figured this would be in the upper-hundreds-of-thousands at most, but...holy HELL!!! The "Idols Over Time" passive is going to be quintessential to these...beasts. Monsters. Anyway, onto the actual review...

"Instant Satisfaction": Interesting idea. I applaud the concept, but considering the cost, I'm not sure how useful it would be in practice. The only real benefits I can see from it are being able to spam Firestorm a lesser degree, Storm Rider. The latter loses effectiveness after enough stacks, so spamming it really won't accomplish much. The other abilities don't really need much spamming. Firestorm is the only one that would largely benefit, and people who have reached beyond 900 likely don't need that kind of firepower. It probably finds most of its use during annoying objectives with resilient monsters. Spamming Firestorm would be ideal for taking out enemy tanks.

"Idols Over Time": I. Like. This. Passive. More idols is always nice. 8.4mil idols max it, but it seems to be on the lower end of the tier4 talents since it is an idol-farming talent. Minimal use during the day, but that is some SEXY idol buffing when left overnight. If there is a talent that reduces the rate from 2 hours to 30 minutes (to account for the next talent in this comment), the buff will end up giving somewhere in the vicinity of 20k-30k+ per overnight reset. To say that this should be one of the first tier4 talents that people start leveling is a horrid understatement.

"Sprint Mode: Completely antithetical to Idols Over Time, BUT when you're able to reset in half the time, it balances out. Between IOT and SM, everyone's playstyle becomes valid. Here to babysit the game? Sprint Mode will let you RIP through runs. Unable to babysit? Idols Over Time will reward you with an extremely beefy reset. It is kind of like jobs/classes in RPGs. Weak-but-fast rogue/thief, or slow-but-strong barbarian/warrior?

Final thoughts: Great ideas for talents. My only real issue at the moment is how Spring and IOT work against eachother. Both are extremely useful on their own, but buying Sprint Mode reduces the effectiveness of IOT. Yes, it allows you to reset more quickly, but it might upset players that one talent reduces the effect of another.It brings up the "Why should I waste idols on a talent that devalues another talent?" issue. Still, I love the ideas and the...daunting...long-term idol commitment for people with excessive amounts of unspent idols (looking at you, Teschio) to unload their stuff on just to get a single talent halfway-maxed. Finally! Idols have WORTH again!

859 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 30th 2017 at 11:44 AM
Last Edited May 30th 2017 at 12:22 PM
Interesting feedback, Animenut. I'm looking forward trying them out.

And just to add from the Q&A and Justin's answer to one of the questions:

> The new level cap will be 8000. Though it'll cost you. A lot.

[edit] OK, going for a more extensive post with this edit.

@Aniemenut, based on the blog post and Justin and Erika's answers during the Q&A so far:

About instant satisfaction: I would think, the RNG is with every activation of abilities. So the benefit lies within the ability itself. If you can make use of Firestorm, you very likely can make use of Firestorm being instantly cooled down. Does make Storm Rider sense to you? Then it makes sense if you can use it twice in a row. Especially after using it with Frosty.
So, yeah, in general, this talent doesn't have as high an impact as other ones might have, but I definately can see a benefit here and will get at least L1 - and complain about the horrible RNG, probably :)

Idols Over Time: As it is being an addition, it benefits you for every run. And it gives you partial buffs, too. So you benefit from the first second onwards adding another multiplier to the Deep Idol Scavenger Talent and your base crusader levels. And up to 50% per 2 hours? So, 4.16 per minute? I'ld take that. Probably not my first priority in fully maxing, but I'm still well below the first 1M anyway. But again, depending on the initial cost, something I'ld look into getting to level one or two, maybe.

Sprint Mode: I don't think it offsets Idols Over Time, given that Idols Over Time adds to your result. Even if you ran run to 500, you're still away from resetting given the reset fatigue and the new level cap. So, at least you will run for half an hour giving you up to 12.5% [edit, sorry about the mistake, there] on top regardless whether you are still at level 1, 500 or somewhere past 1K. I'ld rather see Sprint Mode - if it really works with the timer - as an awesome addition for daytime runs. Get the run started, your formation set up until level 4, check again 15 minutes later and you're post level 500. Wow! Even if only at level 1 or two, I can see quite a lot of benefits, there. Given that your gold gain is quite a bit higher at level 100+ than when spending four or five minutes with regular speed, you can idle longer after that, needing less time if you're not playing on mobile (something I still shy away from).

Adding to your great points:

The new level cap is at 8,000. This will be fun to see. Oh, and especially interesting for not-so-high-idol-players. The last T3-talents are more expensive than at least the first few of T4, it seems. Thanks so much in the name of the players not having all Talents maxed so far!

Changing of the legendary effects: It's about time and makes sense. Even though this might seem bad for a lot of players, from my perspective this makes sense, having the game in mind from a long-term perspective. The new talents seem to add to our idol gain quite nicely which is awesome and should compensate in case someone is feeling robbed from their precious idol gains. Especially with the possibility to disenchant legendary gear. Seems as if we haven't wasted catalysts or material investing in Robo's hat then :)

Also, animated Golden Legendary Items, what a wonderful addition!

692 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 30th 2017 at 12:05 PM
Last Edited May 30th 2017 at 12:08 PM
"(looking at you, Teschio)" :D :D :D

I don't have that many, actually. Partly because I didn't abuse speed runs (before the last patch fixed it), not could I ever be bothered with linking to mobile for 25% more idols, I only have 1.7M unspent idols. I suspect other people have way more than me :)

And as for the level cap, unless much harder objectives come out, 8k isn't really needed: with the boost from Legendary items, 6k is more than enough to complete all objectives (it wasn't before Legendary items, though).

Finally, it looks like they will be fixing Pete's legendary rubber chicken, which means I'll have to disenchant it from the level 8 it is now :D

189 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 30th 2017 at 6:50 PM
Think Pete will still have a place in the formation? just not worth lvl 8? I've got him at level 5's which seems may still be a good balance between cost and diminishing returns and leave him a decent booster (just not quite as super as he is now). Or am i wrong and this will make him totally useless?

692 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 31st 2017 at 12:17 AM
No, he doesn't have a place, at least not in my formations. I can get better bonuses from other crusaders. It was awesome that every unaffected crusader increased DPS by 1.28% multiplicatively... probably TOO awesome, I have to say :D With diminishing returns, he becomes a lot less useful.

257 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 31st 2017 at 2:16 AM
He has nothing else going for him, no useful abilities whatsoever and his other legendaries have contradictory effects. RIP Pete.

38 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 1st 2017 at 3:33 AM
Will there be a time limit on Idols Over Time? The reason I ask is that it sounds like even a level or two would give someone who didn't log in for a month quite a few idols.

859 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 1st 2017 at 4:30 AM
Nothing was mentioned regarding this. From my point of view, though, this isn't an issue since this bonus is additive. And while you might gain quite a huge bonus out of it once you reset after weeks, it probably isn't close to as high as the gain you would have received when playing actively in that time.

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 1st 2017 at 12:42 PM
Jasmin, the max buff is 50% per stack, which requires a crazy amount of idols to max out. Considering that and how it takes 2 hours per stack of 50%, you'd be doubling your idol amount (additively) every 4 hours. Assuming you get 4000 idols per reset normally, and your average free run time is 5.5 hours, you'd be getting an additional 4000 on top of that for every 4 hours in a run, meaning that after 8 hours of sleep, your idol amount would be tripled - 4000 extra per every 4 hours. At first glance, this would seem broken since getting 4000 every 4 hours would be better than 4000 every 5.5 hours, but that is 4000 EXTRA because of the buff, not what you're getting as a base. I'll do the math out in two different scenarios both taking place over the course of 24 hours. Since the buff would be 50% every 2 hours, I'll be using the number "4" to represent 4 hours, meaning an additive 100%. Makes the calculations a lot simpler.

If you start a run, make it to the end of the run in 6 hours with a base idol count of 4000 and wait the remaining 18 hours, that's 24 hours for the buff, meaning: 4000 x (1 + 24/4) = 28,000

If you start a run, make it to the end in 6 hours with a base idol count of 4000, reset, and do this 4 times within 24 hours: 4000 x (1 + 6/4) x 4 = 40,000

38 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 1st 2017 at 3:14 PM
Thanks for the responses. I probably should have stated my reasoning. I have an upcoming business trip where I'll be away from my PC for several weeks. I was thinking of linking to mobile, but even if I do I will have extremely limited play time during the work week. If this talent doesn't cap out after a day or whatever time frame it will be a huge help, and I'll be levelling it up as much as possible before the trip.

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 1st 2017 at 3:23 PM
If that's your situation, I doubt the talent has a time cap. Not much - if anything - in this game does. XP is infinite, EP is infinite, etc. It would be uncharacteristic of the game to set a time cap for that talent. If you'll be away for weeks, expect an absurd reset when you get back.

130 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 1st 2017 at 3:50 PM
Lovely update!

Now for some feedback on the talents:

* Extended Spawns - Boring, but quite useful I guess? Could have been more interesting, but got no suggestions right now.

* Clicktastrophy - Does it mean successive clicks on a specific enemy? Or in general? If in general, how long does it last? Would like to know how this one works more specifically.

* Instant Satisfaction - While RNG-based (which I generally hate), I still think it is a rather neat one. Perfect for Frosty's Legendary Storm Rider :)

* Idle Increases - Only talent which I -DESPISE-; It completely goes against the clicking style (not to mention, it isn't particularly strong either). I'd rather have a talent like this:
* The Journey Counts - Increased the DPS of all Crusaders by X% (very small number on X), multiplied by your highest area ever completed.
That talent has a bigger milestone to it; It depends not only on the talent itself, but also how far you may have pushed your max area distance. Personally, a more interesting talent if I may say so.

* Legendary Benefits - Simple, but good. Makes your crafting have that "milestone" effect too. I really like that :)

* Idols Over Time - *DROOLS* Amazing talent! I have time to reset like once per day, so this talent is absolutely amazing for someone like me. THANK YOU for this talent!

* Sprint Mode - Interesting and very powerful. Will definitely at least invest a point or two in this talent for easier startups.

* Superior Training - While the same effect as Extra Training, it's still a good talent. I like it too.

3620 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 1st 2017 at 3:52 PM
@ Azamagon: Once you own Clicktrastrophy, you see the timer on the buff. It lasts 30 seconds with one click. It's for any click to monsters.

Additional clicks keep refreshing the timer.

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 1st 2017 at 5:58 PM
Azamagon, I greatly disagree with your thoughts on Idle Increases. Considering standard idol-farming runs involve absolutely no clicking, this is just an out and out DPS buff, no strings attached, up to 400% solely for existing. Besides, Clickatastrophe offsets Idle Increases greatly. If you use clickers a lot, then Clickatastrophe is really useful and greatly rewarding. If you don't use clickers, Idle gives you a no-attention-needed DPS buff. If you have both, switching between the two is seamless since both buffs give the same percentages.

42 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 1st 2017 at 7:00 PM
*Idle Increase - at this level with this bonus for this amount of Idols?!?!
You guys i see ran out of ideas completely! The talent is a complete trash!
*Sprint mode needs extra 2 seconds to work properly! Right now it doesn't work for me, monsters take more time to show up!
*Legendary Benefits - again, not impressive! All i see is a creative crisis! I'm sure players suggested much better ideas!

781 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 1st 2017 at 8:07 PM
Zvereck, Idle is for people who never/rarely use clickers so they can get a reliable, constant buff. The costs of ALL the tier 4 talents are completely absurd for a reason. They are meant to be long-term idol dumps. The costs of the tier 4 talents is largely irrelevant for that reason. The "Too much for too little" debate is moot because the "too much" part is a given and the "too little" is arguable.

Spring Mode is not broken. It encourages you to use speed buffs, which then also get buffed by "Extended Spawns". Pop a speed buff at the start of a run and you'll...well...speed ahead. Or at least wait until you can purchase Baenarall's ability for a no-card-needed constant speed buff.

Legendary Benefits is something I can see upsetting players until they realize that it is 1% PER LEGENDARY. That adds up. I think I have something like 30 legendaries right now. That's 30% per talent level. That's pretty good, and will only get better as I get more legendaries weekly.

130 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 2nd 2017 at 6:35 AM
Last Edited June 2nd 2017 at 6:41 AM
Thanks for clearing that up!

While I STILL dislike the dissynergy between Clicktastrophy and Idle Increases, I guess I was a bit too harsh about it. I guess not everything has to synergize?
The only real issue I have with that dissynergy existing is because both of them are such heavy idol-investments, that's all. On the other hand, I guess that's good in a way, because then I know more what talents to invest in first :P

About the discussion of Pete:
I feel he (along with Sasha) could need quite a lot of updating in their skills (and Legendaries). Regardless of that, I had an idea to fix his legendaries a bit: Merge the effects of the Shoe and Chicken legendaries! At base, that means 10% for each "missing" Bad Joke, and 25% for each "hitting" Bad Joke. This fixes a lot of issues:
1) You don't wanna try and skip the ability in itself (if, for example, the Chicken is your only / better levelled up Legendary).
2) The two Legendary effects (Shoe vs Chicken) don't compete with one another anymore, no longer making you less prone to just stick with one of the Legendaries (and, if you have invested in the Chicken, thus also not prone to never wanna learn the skill).
3) This opens Pete up for a new Legendary effect. While I think he could get some new skills (too many self-DPS ones for a non-DPSer), which then potentially could be part of the Legendary bonus, I have a quick placeholder Legendary effect for him that would work regardless (for the Shoe?) - "Increase the DPS of all Crusaders by 10% for each Support Crusader in the formation."

859 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 2nd 2017 at 6:55 AM
Last Edited June 2nd 2017 at 6:58 AM
Zevereck, the Idle increase talent is showing you a lack of creativity? The one talent which was the most expected one - I admit - is the only one of the pack players would complain about if it was absent. Animenut has pointed out about the cost/gain factor so I'm just writing: Second this!

Sprint Mode needs two seconds? Nope, it doesn't. As pointed out in CNE's communication, spawn speed buffs are needed if you don't have the right setup. If you are able to have T4 talents, chances are more than good you can set up your formation to benefit without spending spawn buffs. If not, my recommendation would be to spend some idols in the 'Extended Spawns'-talent first.

Legendary Benefits is not impressive? Of course not. This is the passive tree. For talents that help you if you simply keep idling.

And more in general: Yeah, there are a lot of ideas out there about talents. But CNE has a valid interest in keeping everything balanced and realistic to implement.

I for one am very happy the talents themselves work fine as ar as I can see. The disenchanting is pretty cool and invites us to experiment around more than before. And also, the first 14 levels of Superior Training are less expensive than L 39 of Extra Training - there's to your outrage of cost again ;-)
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