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Codename Entertainment
April Fools/other event suggestions
Lvl 400 "Savior of Sanctuary"
227 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 26th 2017 at 9:33 PM
Leona Virgo
I just saw some photo's photo shopped with Mr. Beans face and they were great, so a Mr. Bean/ Mr. Magoo parody for April Fools would be fantastic to do.

and now i'm thinking of the pink panther... bring back the classics in a bushwhackian way
...captain planet for spring...
763 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 27th 2017 at 12:22 AM
Russel Denton
or swap quests around from the normal folks, for example

the trinket smith only does the stones one, instead make get you to look for predators from Misty , like that swap the quest around


all the bushes wear the princesses hat


Mana whack does power and power whack does Mana lol
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