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Codename Entertainment
Ideas for the Event's special prize
763 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 10th 2016 at 3:57 PM
Last Edited December 10th 2016 at 8:12 PM
Russel Denton
ok so after each event has finished, we have received a special prize, this year was Mosaic pieces which will eventually make a big poster/banner thingy, last year 2015 was the topiaries, 2014 was golf pieces and 2013 was gnomes, so for 2017 i was thinking of a few ideas , so here they are:

- after each event we get a egg ( coloured to the events theme ) and at the end of the year we take all the eggs to misty and she turns them into one big pet/mount

- similar to the first idea - we collect puzzle pieces after each event and at the end of the year we put the pieces together to make a new kind of pet/mount

- we collect a type of customisable items at the end of each event and at teh end of the year we get to keep them all

happy to hear other folks thoughts
526 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 11th 2016 at 12:46 AM
Matthew Kliparchuk
I like 1 and 2 as i realy dont care for the mosaics id rather have a cool mount or pet but thats me my ranch is cluttered enogh w/o more useless junk.
Lvl 400 "Savior of Sanctuary"
227 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 12th 2016 at 8:51 PM
Leona Virgo
i like customizable items, maybe each event has an item and you choose the style:cute, scary, glittery/shiny, zombie, etc. but its still in the event theme.
(i regret saying zombie cause i can see the zombiefied cupid/bunny/st.patty/turkey/santa now and i'm not a big fan of zombies)

maybe just give an item and when the same event starts the next year it can be activated once every 24 hr to get an event bonus for the duration of the event.
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