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Codename Entertainment
Splicer table change
526 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 26th 2016 at 10:32 AM
Matthew Kliparchuk
Can we get a splicer table change so that u can research more then one crop at a time gets rather annoying whne u have more the one crop to research and it takes 1+ days to research. Im not complaining about the research time just would like to research more then one at a time.
Lvl 440 "Other Peoples Problem Solver!"
5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 26th 2016 at 10:49 AM
if they change that then there has to be a cost to it. i.e. if one could research 2 crops at once then make it so that the research of each takes twice as long and that the chance of success is twice as worse.
or just wait. if you have 2 ready to research get the short high chance one over with first...

but some numbers here. to research all 28 (not counting the 4 new crops) to all 10 levels it would take 145 days if they always succeed, 677 days if they always fail till they have to succeed.
I currently have 154 total researches.
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