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Codename Entertainment
Emo's New Moon: 1st Objective- DPS Display Issue

24 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 24th 2015 at 12:46 AM
Was unsure whether it was a bug or intended(since it's understandable why it occurs), but when someone does the 1st halloween objective, you don't see a rise nor fall in your DPS if a crusader is next to Wendy. For example, if I switch crusader positions in a formation to see if the DPS goes up or not, I can no longer tell for Wendy's debuff constantly changes the DPS as soon as enemies appear so it skips the animation of the DPS going up(green) or down(red).
There's also a bit of a display error when you hover over the bonus for wendy the witch during that same mission. I'm assuming that the "bonus" is for when you unlock her rather than a display of what % DPS she's reducing during the mission.
Just minor issues, but will be much appreciated if there's a fix for them.
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