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Codename Entertainment
Clicking Related Buff Replacement Survey FAQ

3620 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 5th 2015 at 4:26 PM
Last Edited October 5th 2015 at 4:26 PM
Why the change?

Over the past few months we've received a lot of feedback from our players regarding clicking related buffs in chests. Based upon this, we've decided to replace a couple of the clicking related buffs in the game with different, and hopefully more interesting, buffs.

What will happen to my existing clicking related buff cards?

Once the buffs we're replacing are finalized and implemented, all your buff cards of that type will automatically be swapped for the new buff cards. For example, if the Heavy Crits category is chosen to be replaced by Crusader Health then all of your Heavy Crits buff cards will be replaced with Crusader Health buff cards. Replaced cards will be of the same rarity as the cards they're replacing (epic cards will be replaced by epic cards, rares with rares, and so on).

When does the change happen?

We hope to implement this change in the very near future after analyzing the results of this survey.

Why a survey?

We want our players to have a voice in how the game evolves. We also want to make sure we're not making a change that the majority of players would be unhappy with. Thus, the least popular clicking related buff card type(s) will be replaced with the most popular of the new buff card type(s).

How do I take the survey?

Refresh the game and the survey window will pop up if you've opened at least one Jeweled Chest in the past.

How long will the survey run?

The survey will run until Wednesday October 7th at around 6pm PDT.

41 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 6th 2015 at 9:56 AM
Rodney Vass
I would remove crit completely . completely meaning all of it - the stat and the skills for the stat . beef up the power click line and remove the base click booster since BW gets most of his dmg from allies .

new and different buffs could add some tactical options -- looking forward to it .

85 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 6th 2015 at 10:52 AM
Thien Nguyen Dang
I don't see the point of removing Clicking buff... I use all of them equally and really enjoy those Clicking Buffs, especially when I'm on difficult Objectives. Without them I have no idea how I could complete the 350 Pirate objective.

I know many players complain about the fact that there's not many useful buff for Idling Player and some of them never use click buff at all. But the solution for this is very simple, just add in some useful buff for idle player and give the option to converge buff to another (with high rate). For example, exchange 3 click buff to another Power Conduct buff. The rarity does not change, but you give up 3 buff that you never use for another one.

42 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 6th 2015 at 3:53 PM
Why there was no option to remove all click buffs? And we would see what percentage of players use them.

3620 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 6th 2015 at 3:54 PM
@ Rodney, Thien: Thanks for the feedback.

@ Zvereck: We won't be removing all the Click Buffs. They have their uses.

1 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 6th 2015 at 8:14 PM
Increasing monster spawn rate would be *great* - super awesome. Please add!

That being said - I regularly use all the click buffs, and I find them to be the most useful of all the buffs in terms of forcing advancement. You can always get more total dps in a short period of time with critical clicks than through any other set of buffs, and the most valuable thing in the game is getting to higher waves because of the exponential gold increase.

Champion health and slowing monster movement both sound lame to me. They are a boring and slow way of advancing farther.

The worst buff by far is the gold rush. +25% gold increase is meaningless. It's like being 1 wave higher. It's also lame that higher level gold buffs are just longer time, as opposed to higher gold increase.

Also, I don't like how common the "time skipping" buffs are. I get how they can be valuable, but because they don't actually accelerate the rate you pass waves, they don't help at all with getting through the early boring parts of resets, so it doesn't feel like "time skipping", and they are the least fun way to accelerate progress - advancing through waves by increasing power of champs is way more satisfying and interesting

11 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 7th 2015 at 4:28 PM
As long as we're talking buffs, has the idea to be able to set the use of certain buffs to hotkeys been mentioned? It feels like it would help for maximizing buff time instead of having to click on all of the ones you want individually. The drop down just feels a little clunky and sometimes you might think you've activated one, but really didn't.
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