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Codename Entertainment
How strong is Sarah as main DPS?

13 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 19th 2015 at 5:59 AM
Last Edited August 19th 2015 at 5:59 AM
So basically from the built-in upgrades, three crusaders, namely Emo Werewolf, Hermit and Sarah has the biggest dps bonus. Also, given they get all the available bonuses from upgrades, it can be seen that

Emo > Hermit > Sarah

But there arent too much differences. But to get all the bonuses from Hermit or Emo, one must give up at least one buff (for example Emo can't get bonus 35% dps increase from Khouri for that nice 200% dps increase - for some reason Khouri is HUMAN!) from other buffers. On the other hand, Sarah can get away with getting all the bounuses from upgrades AND buffs from other main buffers.

So from the look of it, it seems Sarah seems to be the best main DPS crusader. How do you think about Sarah from your point of view?

3 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 19th 2015 at 7:02 AM
Sara is the best DPS ingame.
i have 0 enchants and only 2 commons on her...
when Emo and Hermit 7-9 ench and all uncommons.

20 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 20th 2015 at 12:00 AM
Morphic, your calculations aren't correct. The problem with your calculations is you just took Self DPS buffs and formation DPS buffs. What you are forgetting about is the actual cost and base DPS of the heroes. Not all base damages and cost are the same.
After you including "base DPS/Cost", "Self buffs", "Formation buffs", and "Item buffs" the best late game DPS is Hermit. WW is next and about 15-30% weaker than Hermit. Then a bunch of other heroes(sasha, sarah, kaine, jim + a few others) are about 1/3 as strong as Hermit and WW.

13 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 20th 2015 at 1:07 AM
Last Edited August 20th 2015 at 1:10 AM
@kruch Right, I see the importance of base DPS/Cost, but even then how does Hermit come out better than Emo? Emo has way better dps/cost efficiency and self buffs. The only place where Emo lacks the advantage is the fact tht he cannot receive 35% dps bonus from Khouri, but since Hermit must have a hole in the formation, he also lacks a little bit of dps boost from that last crusader.

Also, what would happen if we are talking about diamond formation (descent into darkness) where both Hermit and Emo would fall apart due to how difficult it is for them to get full advantage?

20 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 20th 2015 at 1:34 AM
Morphic, Hermits "Cost per DPS" is lower than ww. Hermits Base DPS is a lot higher even if his cost is higher, if you do the math his Cost/DPS is actually lower than WW.

All the above is standard 10 hero formation. Depending on which other formation, there are different results. WW is great on Trojan Rabbit, and also doesnt suffer too much on diamond formation. Hermit loses out on most of the formation since he is already down one hero in his formation, and losing a 2nd or 3rd or even 4th one, hurts him a lot. They both have their pros and cons and depending on which formation they use. That's the point of the different formations, so we can have a variety.

Anyway I'm usually in chat 1 on Kong if you want to discus it more.
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