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Codename Entertainment
XP Glitch - Continuous gains by refreshing

37 Posts
Link to post - Posted July 31st 2015 at 7:48 PM
As several users on Kongregate have discovered, by going offline for a while, then returning, and repeatedly refreshing the page, you can gain infinite XP. Each refresh adds hours to the active formation, despite not going offline but for a moment.

I tested this myself, and basically I could get three hours added to each active Crusader per refresh. I was able to get very high XP bonuses by doing so.

37 Posts
Link to post - Posted July 31st 2015 at 7:59 PM
I'm going to guess that the counter for the amount of XP being given is not refreshing when loading back into the game. It seems like it's different for different people, so for me personally, every time I refresh it adds 3 hours and 41 minutes to every active Crusader's counts.

I'm guessing that sometime before, I signed off for 3 hours and 41 minutes, and when I came back, that XP gain was recorded. Then, it was never erased or over-written, so each time I refresh, it adds that amount again. Even if I was only gone a second.

It's worth noting that Gold does not have this problem. If I refresh on stage 89, I get about 26.6Q, I think, which is about the equivalent of one-two monster deaths. Which is accurate for the 30 seconds it takes to refresh. So it's only XP being affected here.

3620 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 4th 2015 at 1:17 PM
Hi Lloyd,

Thanks for the report. We fixed this Friday night. =)

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