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Codename Entertainment
Check in button has disappeared (but still able to check in from daily tasks)

11 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 2nd 2015 at 5:16 AM
I remember others posting about this in world chat a couple weeks back or so, but can't remember if there was a solution (I've cleared my flash cache and that didn't help). I haven't had the check in button the past two days. I can still check in by selecting the daily tasks button and switching to the check in tab. I checked on my alt and he still has the check in button. Odd?

3620 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 2nd 2015 at 2:59 PM
Yeah, it happens for the month rollover. I had it happen to. It just reappears a little while later, but for now, yeah, check-in through the manual tab change.

I did tell the devs about it, so they might look at it.
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